13 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Content and Keep Your Audience Engaged

Are you struggling to come up with fresh content for your website or social media channels? Repurposing your existing content is a cost-effective and efficient way to keep your audience engaged without reinventing the wheel.

With some creative thinking, you can transform your blog posts, videos, and images into new formats that will attract new audiences and re-engage your existing ones. In this article, we’ll share with you 13 smart ways to repurpose your content.

1. Turn Blog Posts into Infographics

An infographic is a visual representation of information or data that is easy to comprehend. By turning your blog posts into infographics, you can present your content in a visually appealing format that can be shared across various platforms.

2. Convert Blog Posts into Videos

Creating a video version of your blog post is a great way to offer your audience a different format. You can share your videos on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook to reach new audiences.

3. Create a Podcast

A podcast allows you to dive deeper into a topic and offer your audience a more personalized experience. You can record your podcast and upload it to platforms like Anchor, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

4. Repurpose Blog Posts into E-books

An e-book is an excellent way to provide your audience with valuable content that they can download and read at their convenience. Use your blog posts as chapters and compile them into an e-book.

5. Create Slideshare Presentations

Slideshare is a platform that allows you to share presentations online. You can turn your blog posts into slideshare presentations and share them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

6. Use Social Media Stories

Social media stories are a great way to showcase your brand personality and offer your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your business. You can turn your blog posts into snippets and share them on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.

7. Make Data Reports

If your blog post features data and statistics, you can create a data report and share it with your audience. You can also use your data reports to pitch to media outlets and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

8. Turn Blog Posts into Webinars

A webinar allows you to connect with your audience in real-time and answer their questions. You can use your blog posts as a basis for your webinar presentation and offer a more in-depth look at the topic.

9. Grow your Email List

Your email list is a valuable marketing tool. Use your blog posts to create lead magnets that entice people to sign up for your list. You can offer e-books, checklists, and other lead magnets that highlight the value of your content.

10. Create Social Media Posts

Social media requires a steady stream of content. Repurpose your blog posts into social media posts, including quotes, tips, and facts that are shareable and attention-grabbing.

11. Use Visualizations

Visualizations help people better understand complex ideas. Use your blog posts to create visuals such as graphs, charts, and diagrams that offer insights into the topic.

12. Create Courses

If your blog post offers comprehensive knowledge on a topic, you can create a course around it. Use your blog post as a starting point and create a series of videos, webinars, and other materials that offer your audience valuable insights.

13. Use Old Content as Inspiration

Your old content can inspire new ideas. Use your old blog posts to create new content that builds on the original concept. You can use the same topic with a new angle, or expand on a previous post to offer even more knowledge.


Repurposing your existing content is an excellent way to keep your audience engaged while minimizing your efforts. By following the tips outlined above, you can turn your blog posts into a variety of formats that will attract new audiences and keep your existing ones engaged.

Don’t hesitate to experiment with different formats and platforms to find what works best for your business. Your audience is always hungry for useful and informative content that will make them stay connected with you.

We want to thank the thought leader Si Quan Ong as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject, and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post https://ahrefs.com/blog/repurposing-content/

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