How Better Landing Page Experience and Ad Relevance Can Boost Your Google Ads Performance

Are your Google Ads not getting enough clicks or conversions? Maybe you should start paying more attention to your landing page experience and ad relevance scores. These two key metrics are crucial to optimizing your PPC performance. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the importance of these scores and how they can benefit both the advertiser and consumer.

What is Quality Score and Why is it Important?

Quality score is a metric that helps PPC marketers determine how well their ad quality compares to others. According to Google, a higher score signifies that your ad and landing page are more relevant and useful to someone searching for your keyword compared to other advertisers. A score that is average or below may still work but will result in higher costs per click and lower click-through and conversion rates.

Understanding Landing Page Experience and Ad Relevance

In order to improve your quality score, you need to focus on two key factors – landing page experience and ad relevance.

Landing page experience is how relevant and useful your landing page is to people who click your ad. Ad relevance, on the other hand, measures how closely your ad matches the intent behind a user’s search. Both these metrics gauge how well the keyword matches the ad and landing page content, which results in a consistent customer experience.

Google also takes into account page speed when evaluating landing page experience scores. A site that loads quickly and matches consumer intent is always good for the consumer.

How Google Assesses These Scores

Google assigns a score for each of these metrics in comparison to other advertisers who bid for the exact same keyword. Scores can be above average, average, or below average. This helps advertisers to understand how well they compare against direct keyword auction competition. When there is not enough data to give a score, it shows up with a “-” in the report.

Looking at Performance Metrics by Landing Page Experience and Ad Relevance Scores

We analyzed three months’ worth of data across various Google Ads accounts. We focused on non-branded keywords and looked at keywords with below average scores in both landing page experience and ad relevance and compared those against keywords with above average scores for both metrics.

The findings of this data clearly shows how important it is to improve these scores. Each key metric vastly differs based on these scores – from cost per click to conversion rates. Click-through rates and conversion rates were significantly higher for ads with “Above average” ratings for landing page experience and ad relevance. CTR was better by 87%, and conversion rates by 750%. The same is true for cost per click, where the CPCs were 36% below average for ads with “Above average” ratings for landing page experience and ad relevance.

What This Potentially Means

Investing in relevant experiences can lead to better performance, lower costs, and an improved conversion rate. The data indicates that if two advertisers spend $10,000, the advertiser with “Above average” scores for both landing page experience and ad relevance metrics would receive over 2,000 more clicks and seven times more conversions.

Optimizing for Landing Page Experience and Ad Relevance

It’s essential to deliver consistent experiences when it comes to matching keywords to ad copy and landing pages. Restructuring your account to align with the user experience and having more focused ad groups yields better results. There might be some instances where you might not have control over your website’s design or code. However, updating those elements to be quick and efficient can help improve your page speed scores.

It’s crucial to note that you shouldn’t overreach based on the metrics. If your campaigns are converting well and achieving the purpose they were meant to, you needn’t tear them down because you got a poor quality score. Your business metrics should always be the source of truth.

Final Thoughts

The world of search is continually evolving. However, providing the best user experience will always be the key to winning against the competition. These metrics provide great insight into where you can make improvements in your Google Ads’ performance. By optimizing your landing page experience and ad relevance scores, you’re not just benefiting yourself, but also delivering relevant experiences to your intended audience.

We want to thank the thought leader Jason Tabeling as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject, and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post:

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