Exploring Google E-A-T: Should We Search For Other Articles With High Backlink Profiles?

Welcome to Atmospheric Thinking, where we dive deep into the world of search engine optimization (SEO) and help creative agencies unlock the potential of their blogs. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating concept of Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and its impact on the search rankings. So grab your SEO hats and let’s get started!

Understanding Google E-A-T

Google E-A-T is a set of quality guidelines that the search engine giant uses to assess the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of a website or online content. These three factors play a crucial role in determining a website’s ranking on the search engine results page (SERP).


Is the content being produced by knowledgeable and trustworthy experts in the field? Google considers the author’s credentials, qualifications, and experience when evaluating the expertise of a website.


Does the website have a strong reputation and authority in the industry or niche it serves? Google looks for signals such as backlinks and mentions from other authoritative websites.


Can users trust the information provided by the website? This aspect involves the website’s reliability, accuracy, and transparency in presenting information.

The Importance of Backlink Profiles

Backlinks, or incoming links from other websites, are an essential aspect of SEO. They serve as “votes of confidence” for your website, signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and worth recommending to others. However, not all backlinks are created equal.

While it may be tempting to search for articles with high backlink profiles, it is important to approach this strategy with caution. Quantity alone doesn’t guarantee quality. Google’s algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they can differentiate between organic, natural backlinks and those that are artificially generated or acquired through spammy practices.

Instead of solely focusing on high backlink profiles, it is crucial to prioritize relevance and authority. Seek out backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites in your industry or niche. These links are more likely to have a positive impact on your website’s E-A-T.

Quality Over Quantity

In the world of SEO, quality always trumps quantity. It’s better to have a handful of high-quality backlinks from authoritative sources than a plethora of low-quality backlinks. When assessing the quality of potential backlinks, consider factors such as the website’s domain authority, relevance to your niche, and the context in which the link is placed.

Building meaningful relationships with influencers, industry experts, and reputable websites can also lead to organic backlinks. Engage in guest blogging, contribute informative content to industry publications, and actively participate in relevant online communities to establish your brand’s authority.


As digital marketers, we must recognize the importance of Google E-A-T in shaping search rankings. While high backlink profiles can be beneficial, it is essential to prioritize quality over quantity. Focus on building relationships, producing valuable content, and obtaining backlinks from authoritative sources within your niche.

We want to thank the thought leader as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject. We hope that this article has provided valuable insights into Google E-A-T and its impact on search engine rankings. Implementing E-A-T best practices can significantly enhance your website’s visibility and credibility. To delve deeper into this topic, you can visit the original article by Tony Wright on Search Engine Journal here: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-e-e-a-t-should-we-search-for-articles-with-high-backlink-profiles/484881/

Happy optimizing, and may your creative agency’s blog soar to new heights!

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