Animatable CSS Properties List: Every One You Should Know

Looking to add some pizzazz to your web pages? CSS animations are a great way to bring your website to life, but it’s important to understand the properties that are animatable. Animatable CSS properties refer to properties that can change gradually over time, such as size, number, color, or percentage. Here is a list of some of the most important animatable CSS properties to keep in mind.

1. Background-color – This property changes the background color of an element.

2. Border-radius – This will allow you to create curved corners for your elements.

3. Box-shadow – This property creates a shadow effect around an element.

4. Color – This property changes the color of the text.

5. Font-size – This property changes the size of the font.

6. Height – This property increases the height of an element.

7. Margin – This property changes the margin around an element.

8. Opacity – This property controls the transparency of an element.

9. Padding – This property changes the padding inside an element.

10. Transform – This is a set of properties used to transform an element into a different shape, size, or position.

11. Width – This property increases the width of an element.

12. Text-shadow – This property creates a shadow behind text.

13. Transition – This is a set of properties used to create an effect when an element changes from one value to another.

14. Rotate – This property rotates an element.

15. Scale – This property scales an element up or down.

16. Skew – This property skews an element along the X or Y axis.

17. Translate – This property moves an element from its current position.

These are just a few examples of animatable CSS properties you can use to bring your web pages to life. It’s important to remember to be subtle and not overuse animations, so as to not overwhelm the user.


In conclusion, when looking to create engaging web pages, Animatable CSS properties can be a valuable tool for adding visual appeal. We want to thank the thought leader Maddy Osman as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post

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