Demystifying SEO Platforms: Do You Really Need Them?

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become progressively important as online competition continues to grow. It’s vital that businesses’ websites rank highly in search engine results pages if they want to attract traffic, and thus generate leads and sales. Seventy-one percent of businesses agree that their digital marketing strategies are insufficient without SEO, and it’s no wonder: according to a study by BrightEdge, organic search typically makes up 53% of website traffic. In light of this, it’s understandable that businesses would seek out SEO platforms that offer a range of capabilities, but do you really need one?

SEO has evolved

Over the years, the practice of SEO has become far more complex, with several other considerations being required besides just content creation and promotion. Improving the user experience, adapting to changes in how search engines display and deliver results (such as voice assistants) and incorporating social media signals are all vital to success. Despite these newer considerations, traditional SEO practices are still highly relevant. Whether it’s keyword research, page-level analysis, backlink tracking, acquisition, or rank tracking, they all play a crucial role in the ever-evolving landscape of SEO.

The capabilities of SEO platforms

There’s no doubt that SEO platforms offer many capabilities that make creating and managing SEO more manageable. These include keyword research, page-level analysis, and backlink tracking and acquisition, which help to optimize your website better for search engine rankings. Moreover, most SEO platforms provide competitive intelligence, enabling you to evaluate your competition’s organic search activity and identify ways to do better. Social signal integration and workflow rights and roles are also typical offerings of many platforms, streamlining essential tasks.

The SEO platform can help users perform more extensive site and link analytics and provide predictive scoring systems that identify potential opportunities to improve page performance or link authority. Essentially, these platforms help centralize a range of essential SEO activities, such as analysis, reporting, and data management, in one place. Additionally, they offer cross-functional collaboration tools, which is especially beneficial for multi-departmental organizations.

Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide

For those who are interested in implementing SEO platforms into their business model, MarTech’s “Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” is an excellent starting point for your research. This report examines the market for SEO platforms, including vendor profiles, pricing information, and a range of features among 19 leading SEO tools. The guide includes recommended steps for purchasing and evaluating SEO platforms. It’s important to note that when choosing an SEO platform, you must consider the size of your organization and your specific needs to ensure you select the right platform that will serve you best.

Do You Really Need an SEO Platform?

While SEO platforms offer a range of useful features, the decision to use one should be grounded in understanding your organizations’ needs and goals. Small businesses with a limited website presence may find less need for an SEO platform and may be able to get by through conventional search engine optimization techniques. Organizations with a significant website presence, on the other hand, can benefit from an SEO platform to help streamline and optimize SEO efforts. An SEO platform can also be valuable for larger organizations, where SEO responsibilities are dispersed across multiple teams or departments.

In Conclusion

SEO platforms may not be necessary for everyone, but they’re fantastic for businesses that want to streamline the SEO process across their entire organization. They have analytical and management capabilities beyond what standard SEO practices offer and, as such, can provide a competitive advantage. When considering an SEO platform, businesses should consider features like keyword analysis, backlink acquisition, competitive intelligence, and predictive scoring, and evaluate whether those features align with their specific needs.

We want to thank the thought leader Digital Marketing Depot as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject, and we hope this article can help your business. Click on this link to download MarTech’s “Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide”:

Search Engines

Search engine marketing doesn't just end with Google.

Local SEO

Google My Business, Bing Places, Yelp, and more!

On-Page Optimizations

Everything from title tags to content and schema markup.

Off-Page SEO

Let's get you noticed where your target audience already is.


Blogs are the center of organic traffic when it comes to being a resource for any industries target audience and should be used as a top ranking tool.

International SEO

You don't need to be in the same country to serve your clients with excellence and reach your target audience.

Atmospheric Thinking is a digital marketing company that specializes in and focuses on SEO. We believe that any business or brand should regularly have an SEO Strategy created that aligns with their goals so they have a great understanding of who their target audience is and how to better attract them and turn views into conversions. Set up a free consultation with us today!

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On-Page SEO

We follow a high-ranking guide tailored for your company to optimize your website for increasing organic traffic.

Off-Page SEO

We’ve worked in numerous industries so we have a vast collection of backlink strategies customized for your growth.

Local SEO

Whether you’re looking for city, county, or state traffic. Our local SEO strategies will get you the revenue-driving traffic you need.

International SEO

Strategies vary by region and target audiences are approached differently based on culture, language, location, and so much more.