Email Newsletter Tactics

As a marketer, you know that your email list is your most valuable asset. However, building your email list can be tricky. Many list-building tactics are annoying to users and can harm their user experience on your website. So, how can you generate email leads without harming the user experience? In this article, we’ll explore several methods.

One popular method of list building is the pop-up. However, many people find pop-ups to be intrusive and an obstacle to getting to the content they want. A study by G2 found that 82% of those surveyed “hated email pop-ups.” But, if done right, pop-ups can still be an effective means of collecting email leads.

One way to present a pop-up in a less annoying way is to trigger it as users finish reading a piece of content. By doing this, users have already received value from your website and are more likely to be interested in what else you have to offer. Additionally, pop-ups triggered by exit-intent can be effective in capturing the attention of users who are about to leave your site.

Other methods include slide-in requests, sticky top bars, content upgrades, landing pages, and more. It’s essential to choose the right selection, timing, and behavior to avoid annoying your users.

In conclusion, there are many effective ways to generate email leads without harming the user experience. By testing different methods and paying attention to how users interact with them, you can build a robust email list that adds value for both you and your subscribers.

We want to thank the thought leader Neil Patel for his teachings on the subject and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post

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