Google Ads and The Antitrust in EU

EU’s recent charging of Google with EU antitrust violations may lead to a mandatory divestment, suggested the European Commission after a detailed investigation. As a result, the search giant may have to sell part of its ad business. If that happens, the digital marketing industry could see a more competitive market, fairer pricing, more transparency, greater campaign control for advertisers along with increased innovation leading to new ad tools. According to the EU commission report, Google tends to favor its own ads, making it difficult for competing providers. The solution suggested was that the search giant sell off part of its business, as it may lead to more benefits than behavioral improvements. However, the claim has been denied by Google VP, Dan Taylor, who states that the European Commission’s findings fail to recognize how advanced advertising technology works. The digital advertising market enjoys competitive pricing, robust competition, and lively innovation, he said. The availability of free, ad-supported content that benefits everyone would reduce if Ad-tech tools are broken, he further added. Although Google has denied the antitrust allegations and asked for the case to be dismissed, it had previous antitrust breaches in 2020 and faced similar allegations from nine US states earlier this year.

We want to thank the thought leader Nicola Agius as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post

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