Google Marketing Live 2023: Learnings from Industry Experts

Google Marketing Live 2023 featured a panel discussion with experts on how digital marketers can prepare for and thrive in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). The panel consisted of Julia Friedman, founder of PPC consultancy Neptune Moon, Gill Gildner, co-founder of PPC agency Disco Sloth, Melissa Liu, associate director of California ad agency RPA, and Julia Vyse, West Coast digital director for iProspect Canada.

The panel agreed that AI would make life easier for digital marketers in many ways – particularly for smaller businesses that may not have the budget to hire human contractors. However, marketers should not become complacent and must think about what new skills they need to learn to improve themselves.

All three guest speakers noted that the role of PPC advertisers is evolving, and it is a “concern” for the industry. They expect the industry to change significantly in the near future, and marketers should shift their roles to become more strategic. Although AI-generated copy and images can make a marketer’s job easier, Liu voiced her concerns over the loss of originality and a brand’s tone of voice if the industry relies too heavily on them.

The panelists were excited about the new tools that Google unveiled for digital marketers, such as Product Studio, which would be hugely beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses. Product Studio allows smaller brands to have better creative control, giving them an uplift in ad performance. On the other hand, although AI generative properties and front-end user experience changes unveiled by Google are exciting news for digital marketers working on retail campaigns, it could pose challenges for marketers in heavily regulated industries such as finance.

Searchers’ behavior has also changed dramatically. People tend to consult just five sources online before making a purchase, compared to over ten sources consulted in 2011. With AI becoming an integral part of our lives, experts wonder if that number will change in the coming years.

The consensus is that the future of digital marketing is AI-driven. Although it poses some challenges, it will undoubtedly make marketers’ lives easier if they learn to adapt.

We want to thank the thought leader Nicola Agius as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post

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