How to Craft a Powerful Meta Description That Will Get More Clicks

If you don’t know, meta descriptions are an HTML element of web pages, and they provide a summary of a page’s content. We’re sure you’ve seen them everywhere while using search engines. It appears as a snippet of information beneath the title tag. And it’s also a significant ranking factor for search engines.

Meta descriptions are essential to every aspect of your website’s SEO strategy. They can significantly impact your click-through rate through search engines by providing your users with valuable insight into what to expect once they land on your page.

Here are nine tips you can use today to create a powerful, perfectly crafted meta description that will get clicks.

1. Make it unique

Each webpage on your website should have a unique meta description, just like the page title. Use this to your advantage by constructing a customized meta description that accurately summarizes the page’s content.

If you don’t provide a unique description, search engines may use less-accurate automation to describe your page’s content, leading to confusion and bounce from the user.

2. Include a call to action

Ensure your meta description entices the user. You only have 160 characters to convey your message, so make them count! A great way is to add a call-to-action (CTA) that leads the user to your desired action.

This could be anything ranging from asking the user to download content, sign up for a newsletter, or call your offices for more information. A CTA adds the value and urgency that factors into a user’s decision-making process when browsing search results.

3. Use powerful action words

Killer action words work when attracting users through meta tags. Powerful verbs and adjectives can conversely affect a user’s decision. Use strong adjectives, verbs, and adverbs to describe the content on the page.

Using strong language helps the search engine understand your intent and helps users understand your niche.

4. Be specific

Specificity is vital when it comes to crafting an accurate meta description that drives clicks. Your page’s content must solve your user’s query, and specificity is key in letting them know what they’re getting.

Make sure your description clearly states what’s on the page. For example, if it’s an ecommerce page where users can purchase products, create your meta tags based on that.

5. Use keywords

Keyword usage matters in meta descriptions. The best meta descriptions use keywords early in the description. This helps the search engine understand the page/topic faster.

Furthermore, including relevant keywords entices viewers and builds the SEO factor for your relevant keywords.

6. Maintain your brand identity

Your brand message should be consistent across all its platforms. Ensure your voice, tone, and identity lines up. This solidifies your brand messaging and avoids confusion.

7. Watch the character count

Effective meta descriptions must be within character limits. Ensure your meta description is concise. The right amount is visible and clickable without truncation.

If truncated, your click-through rate will suffer. To ensure that your meta description fits within character limits, ensure that your character length doesn’t exceed 160 characters.

8. Keep your brand name out of the meta description

As a general rule, try to avoid using your brand name in the meta description. Valuable real estate is lost when you include your brand name in your meta description.

9. Keep it short and sweet

Last on our list is keeping your meta description short, sweet, and to the point. Make sure your meta description is clear, concise and provides users with the information they’re looking for.

Don’t make your meta description unnecessarily long. People searching the internet want quick, easy-to-read snippets that answer their query quickly.

Closing thoughts

When it comes to crafting the perfect meta description, there’s no one, single way to write it. The key is to create a customized meta description that accurately summarizes each page’s content.

We hope you found our tips helpful! Remember, creating great meta descriptions takes time and practice, so take that time, follow these tips, and watch your click-through rate soar!

We want to thank the thought leader, Sam Hollingsworth, as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject. We hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post:

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