How to Drive Product Page Rankings with a Funnel of Content & Links

If you run an online business, you know that a strong search engine ranking is crucial for driving traffic and sales. But, with so many websites and products competing for the same eyeballs, how can you ensure that your product pages rank high enough to attract buyers?

The answer lies in the funnel of content and links. By creating targeted content and building high-quality links to your product pages, you can drive organic traffic and boost your search engine rankings. Here’s how to get started:

1. Establish your content themes:

Determine the topics that are relevant to your business and your target audience. These themes will provide the foundation for your content strategy.

2. Create top-of-funnel content:

Develop blog posts, how-to articles, and other educational content that provides value to your target audience. This serves as a top-of-funnel content that will attract potential customers and generate interest in your brand.

3. Build links to top-of-funnel content:

Use social media, guest blogging, and other tactics to build high-quality links to your top-of-funnel content. This will boost your domain authority and help your product pages rank higher in search results.

4. Develop middle-of-funnel content:

Once you’ve attracted potential customers to your site, offer them content that provides a deeper dive into your brand, products, and services. This may include case studies, product demos, and other content that helps the customer evaluate your offerings.

5. Build links to middle-of-funnel content:

Use the same tactics as above to build high-quality links to your middle-of-funnel content. This will further boost your domain authority and help your product pages rank higher in search results.

6. Develop bottom-of-funnel content:

Finally, create content that is geared towards moving the customer towards a purchase. This may include product reviews, testimonials, and other content that helps the customer make a decision.

7. Build links to bottom-of-funnel content:

You guessed it – use the same tactics as above to build high-quality links to your bottom-of-funnel content. This will boost your domain authority even further and help your product pages rank higher in search results.

By following this funnel of content and links, you can drive organic traffic to your product pages and boost your search engine rankings. So don’t wait – start developing and promoting your content today!

We want to thank the thought leader Heather Campbell as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post

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