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Secure Voting
Biometric Enrollment
Download and run Voting Mobile Biometric Application
Capture voter’s fingerprints (utilizing AA Technology PrintScan),
Enter Voter demographic data and unique Identifier. This process can be completed at an official office such as Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Mobile App will submit captured data to backend AFIS
AFIS will perform 1:n fingerprint matching to ensure uniqueness
If fingerprint record is not in the database, voter’s record is added to the system’s databases
Mobile App will create (enroll) the voter’s biometrics onto the Smartphone
Biometric record on Beneficiary’s smartphone will be available for future verifications and authentications
If fingerprint record is already in the database, The system sends a message to the voter to state that duplicate records are not allowed
Biometric Authentication and Voting
Run Mobile Welfare Biometric App
Voter’s fingerprints are captures (utilizing AA Technology PrintScan)
Mobile App extracts fingerprint features and performs 1:1 fingerprint matching between captured fingerprints and stored (enrolled) fingerprints
If App 1:1 matching results are positive, Voting System will make ballot available to voter
If App 1:1 matching results are negative, Voting System sends out a message to voter that voting privileges are declined