Is Your Website Secure? Vulnerability in WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin Affects 900,000+ Websites

As the owner of a website, you want to ensure that it is secure and free from any vulnerabilities that could compromise your business and its customers. Unfortunately, a recent discovery has found that a popular plugin – the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin – has a vulnerability that affects over 900,000 websites. This vulnerability can allow an attacker to easily gain access to sensitive customer data.

The Vulnerability Details

The vulnerability, known as a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack, is a type of security exploit where an attacker tricks a user into performing an action they did not intend to do. In the case of this vulnerability, an attacker could gain access to the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin and make changes to the payment settings, redirecting payments to their own account. They could also potentially access and steal sensitive customer information such as credit card details.

The WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin is a payment gateway that allows online merchants to accept payments using the Stripe payment system. It is used by over 1 million websites, with the vulnerability affecting versions 4.5.0 to 5.5.0. A fix for this vulnerability has been released, so it is vital that website owners using this plugin update to the latest version immediately.

Protecting Your Website

To ensure your website is secure and free from vulnerabilities such as this, it is important to keep all plugins, themes, and WordPress versions up to date. This helps to ensure that any security patches are applied and any known vulnerabilities are fixed.

Regularly performing backups of your website files and database can also help to protect your website in case of any data loss or breach. It is also a good idea to use strong passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.


It is crucial to take the necessary steps to ensure your website is protected from any vulnerabilities that could lead to data breaches or loss. With the recent discovery of the vulnerability in the WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin, it is essential that website owners who use this plugin update to the latest version immediately to ensure the security of their website.

We want to thank the thought leader Roger Montti as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject, and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post

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