LinkedIn’s Exciting Leap: Testing Video Ads on Streaming Services

LinkedIn, the ever-evolving social networking platform with an impressive 930 million subscribers, is about to embark on an exciting new venture. Buckle up, marketers! The platform, owned by Microsoft, is gearing up to test video ads on popular streaming services, offering a unique opportunity to target their highly-valued audience. This move, combined with LinkedIn’s recent piloting of generative AI features, is bound to revolutionize the way brands and buyers engage with their audiences. So, let’s delve into the details and explore how this development can significantly enhance advertising potential on LinkedIn.

Marketers’ Delight

The possibilities that this ad product brings to the table are more than just enticing. By running targeted ads on streaming services watched by LinkedIn users, marketers have a golden chance to optimize their Return on Investment (ROI) and boost revenue. This innovation eliminates the need for lengthy guesswork and provides a more efficient way to reach and engage the target audience they so highly covet.

LinkedIn’s Revenue Boost

With most of its $5 billion revenue stemming from ads sold on its news feed, LinkedIn is not resting on its laurels. While already experiencing a solid 8% year-on-year growth in sales, the platform is now determined to explore the promising ad streaming sector. By tapping into the rapidly expanding world of streaming services, LinkedIn aims to further maximize its profits and secure an even stronger financial standing.

Generative AI Wings

LinkedIn’s venture into video ads on streaming services is not the only impressive feat they’ve accomplished of late. Just two weeks ago, the platform announced the piloting of generative AI features to assist advertisers. This strategic move empowers marketers with AI-generated copy suggestions, significantly enhancing their creative process and streamlining campaign optimization. Fasten your seatbelts, because LinkedIn is determined to revolutionize the way brands and buyers connect and engage on their platform.

LinkedIn’s Vision

“In-stream video ads can change the way brands and buyers reach and engage their audiences,” exclaimed Penry Price, LinkedIn’s Vice President of Marketing Solutions, in a recent interview with Reuters. LinkedIn envisions a future where video ads on streaming services become a game-changer, creating dynamic opportunities for brands and buyers alike.


Exciting times lie ahead for marketers as LinkedIn gears up to test video ads on streaming services. With the potential to amplify ROI, increase revenue, and revolutionize audience engagement, this new offering is a dream come true.

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