The Beginner’s Guide to CSS Classes & class Selectors

Have you ever tried designing a web page and ended up feeling overwhelmed with all the styles you need to apply to different elements on your site? With CSS classes and .class selectors, you can make your life easier by applying a group of styles to specific elements on your website.

So, what are CSS classes and .class selectors? Simply put, CSS classes are a way to group elements on a page with a shared style. A .class selector, on the other hand, is a style rule that applies styles to elements with a specific class. By using both, you can quickly apply styles to a group of elements that share a class.

Let’s say you want a group of headings to have a large red text, a group of buttons to have a medium white text, and a group of paragraphs to have a small blue text. Instead of writing separate style rules for each element, you can group them together using CSS classes and .class selectors.

Here’s how it works:

1. Define the class in your CSS file. For example, to create a class for large red headings, you would write:

.heading-large-red {

font-size: 36px;

color: red;


2. Apply the class to your HTML elements using the class attribute. For example, to apply the large red heading to a specific heading, you would write:

This is a large red heading

3. Repeat the process for other elements you want to style with the same class.

By using CSS classes and .class selectors, you can save a lot of time and avoid duplicating code. It also makes it easier to update styles across your website, as you only need to update the class in your CSS file, and all elements with that class will change accordingly.

But that’s not all. CSS classes and .class selectors can also help improve your website’s performance. By grouping elements with shared styles, you can reduce the amount of code on your website, which can speed up page load times and improve the user experience.

In conclusion, mastering CSS classes and .class selectors can take your web design skills to the next level. It’s a powerful tool to help you streamline your styles and improve your website’s performance. So, go ahead and start experimenting with CSS classes on your own website today!

We want to thank the thought leader Kristen Baker as the source for this content and such awesome teachings on the subject and we hope that this article can help you and your business! Here’s the link to his post

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